MOTOSTYLES, Motorola, KISD, 2006
A project in cooperation with Motorola. A future look on accessories for mobiles that encourage communication and fun.
The result of the project where published in a exhibition in cologne (Kap Forum) and in several magazins (Designers digest, Page...). (groupwork, Antje Julius, Jan Schröder)

Motorola Motostyles KISD Infomoto
... is a accessory that enables users to simply exchange their profiles by pressing their "Infomotos" together. A nice and simple gesture...

Motorola Motostyles KISD Infotagger (GPS)
With this device it's possible to place "Infotags" (virtual Information e.g. text, pictures, videos) anywhere in the environment via GPS. This "Infotags" can later be accessed by other users. Communication on another level...

Motorola Motostyles KISD Infotagger (RFID)
With this device it's possible to place "Infotags" (virtual Information e.g. text, pictures, videos) anywhere in the environment via RFID tags. This "Infotags" can later be accessed by other users. Communication on another level...

Motorola Motostyles KISD Anywheremoto
Find your friends with the "Anywheremoto". Lights on the bracelet point in the direction where a friend (mobile) is located.

Motorola Motostyles KISD
Motorola Motostyles KISD
Motorola Motostyles KISD